The HF-80 Series used a unique identification system to classify radio units by category. The following list includes the entire HF-80 Series including the top level part numbers. The 3 digit extension on these part numbers identifies the configuration of the unit. A plate on the right side panel of some units also includes status information. The letter “A” indicates it is equipped with a set of remote control cards. Some additional related items are included in some areas. A few copies of digital manuals are available below.
Please contact me if you have any other digital manuals that we can post.
The HF-80 Series was presented as a “family” because the equipment was interchangeable for installation and operation. Potential customers were encouraged to “meet the family”.
HF-80 Brochures
HF-80 Overview
Exciters HF-801X
HF-8010 Exciter 622-3389-001
2 Channel ISB, 1.6-30 MHz, Local Control Only
HF-8010A Exciter 622-3395-001
2 Channel ISB, 1.6-30 MHz, Local or Remote Control
HF-8012A Exciter, Extended Range 622-7510-001
4 Channel ISB, 450KHz to 29,999 MHz Local or Remote
HF-8014 Exciter, 4 Channel 622-4372-001
4 Channel ISB, 1.6-30 MHz, Local
HF-8014A Exciter, 4 Channel 622-3473-001
4 Channel ISB, 1.6-30 MHz, Local or Remote
HF-8014A Exciter, 2 Channel “Barn door” 622-3473-211
Frequency Agile 2 Channel, ISB, 1.6-30 MHz, Local or Remote Control
DDS (direct digital synthesizer) control
Power Amplifiers HF-802X
HF-8020 Power Amplifier, 1kw 622-3380-001
Tube type (Y757, 4CX1500B)
1.6-30 MHz Single Phase, use with HF-8030 PS
TS -8020 Panel, Maintenance Panelk, 622-3396-001
HF-8021 Power Amplifier 3kw 622-3381-001
Tube Type (4CX-5000R)
2.0-30 MHz, Three Phase Power
TS-8021 Maintenance Panel, 622-3397-001
HF-8022 Power Amplifier 10kw 622-0082-001
Tube Type (4CX-15000A)
2.0-30,000 MHz, Three Phase Power
TS-8021 Maintenance Panel, 622-622-3397-001
HF-8023 Power Amplifier 1kw Solid State 622-3490-001
Solid State Type, 1.6-30,000 MHz
Single or three Phase depending on PS.
Use with HF-8031 Single Phase or HF-8032 Three Phase
HF-8023 Power Amplifier 1kw Solid State “Barn Door” 622-3490-200
Solid State Type, 1.6-30,000 MHz
Frequency Agile
Single or three Phase depending on PS.
Use with HF-8031 Single Phase or HF-8032 Three Phase
HF-8030 Power Supply 622-622-3383-001
Single Phase Power Supply for HF-8020
HF-8031 Power Supply 622-3491-001
Single Phase Power Supply for HF-8023
HF-8032 Power Supply 622-3512-001
Three Phase Power Supply for HF-8023
MF-8022 Power Amplifier, Extended Range 622-7511-001
450Khz—30,000MHz, 10 kw, Three Phase
Couplers HF-804X
HF-8040/A Antenna Coupler 1 kw 622-3384-001
Analog Tuning, 1.6-30,000 MHz
Use with HF-8020 and HF-8023
HF-8040M Antenna Coupler, Maritime 622-3513-001
Analog Tuning, 1.6-30,000 MHz
Use with HF-8020 and HF-8023
HF-8041 Antenna Coupler 622-3496-001
Digital Tuner, 1.6-30,000 MHz
Use with HF-8023
Receivers HF-805X
HF-8050 Receiver 622-3385-001
2 Channel ISB, 0.25-30 MHz, Local Control Only
HF-8050A Receive 622-3393-001
2 Channel, ISB, 0.25-30 MHz, Local or Remote Control
HF-8054 Receiver, 4 Channel 622-3478-001
4 Channel, ISB, 0.25-30MHz, Local Control
HF-8054A Receiver, 4 Channel 622-3474-001
4 Channel, ISB, 0.25-30MHz, Local or Remote Control
HF-8054A Receiver, 2 Channel “Barn door” 622-3475-210
Frequency Agile, 2 Channel, ISB, 1.60-30 MHz, Local or Remote Control
DDS (direct digital synthesizer) control
851S-1 Receiver 622-4272-001
2 Channel, ISB, 0.25-30 MHz, Local or Remote Control, Tuning knob
851S-2 Receiver 622-4755-001
2-channel, ISB, 0.25-30 MHz, 1 HZ tuning, Local or Remote Control, Tuning Knob
Filters HF-806X
HF-8060 Pre/Post-selector 622-3386-001
Analog (mechanical) tuning, 2.0-32 MHz, use with receiver, exciter, receiver/exciter
HF- 8061A Band Pass Filter, Line Flattener 622-3497-001
2 pole high power, bandpass filter plus line flattener (match up to 3:1 VSWR)
Use with HF-2020 or HF-8023 I kw PA.
HF- 8061A Band Pass Filter, Line Flattener “Barn Door” 622-3497-200
2 pole high power, bandpass filter plus line flattener (match up to 3:1 VSWR)
Use with HF-8023 I kw PA.
HF-8062 Filter, Low Pass Filter 622-3514-001
1.6-30 MHz Additional harmonic filter and VSWR Bridge
Use with HFD-8020 or HF-8023 I kw PA
HF-8064 Pre/Post selector 622-3522-001
Digital Tuning, 2.0-30 MHz, use with receiver, exciter, receiver/exciter
HF-8064B Pre/ Post selector 622-7505-001
Digital Tuning, 2.0-30 MHz, 60/400 Hz Power, use with receiver, exciter, receiver/exciter
Receiver/Exciters HF-807X
HF-8070 Receiver/Exciter 622-3387-001
2 Channel, ISB, 0.25-30 Receiver, 1.6-30 MHz Transmit, Local Control only
HF-8070A Receiver/Exciter 622-3394-001
2 Channel, ISB, 0.25-30 Receiver, 1.6-30 MHZ Transmit, Local or Remote Control
Remote Controls HF-809X
HF-8090 Remote Control, Exciter 622-3390-001
Remote control of the HF-8010A exciter via serial data
HF-8091 Remote Control, Receiver 622-3391-001
Remote control of the HF-8050A receiver via serial data
HF-8092 Remote Control, Receiver-Exciter 622-3392-001
Remote control of the HF-8070A receiver-exciter via serial data
HF-8093 Remote Control, 4 Channel Exciter 622-3467-XXX
Remote control of the HF-8014A exciter via serial data
HF-8094 Remote Control, 4 Channel Receiver 622-3477-XXX
Remote control of the HF-8054A receiver via serial data
HF-8095 Remote Control, Receiver 622-3386-001
Remote control of the 851S-1, 851S-2 receivers via serial data
HF-8096 SELSCAN Adaptive Processor 622-3502-XXX
HF-80 system control with ALE (Automatic Link Establishment) technology
VP-100 Voice Security Unit 622-5750-001
373J-1 Radio Control Monitor (Anolog) 622-6016-001
Grid Systems Laptop Computer CB1976 TSC60(V) with
C-12083 Audio Control Unit 686-5479-001
HF-80 Transmitters
HF-8151/A Exciter/Amplifier 622-7503-001 (FRT96)
2.0 – 30,000MHz, 10kw
Combines HF-8010A and HF-8022
HF-80 Systems
HF-8130 Trans System 1kw 622-3400-001
HF-8135 RCVR-XMTR I kw 622-3401-001
HF-8040 Trans System 3kw 622-3402-001
HF-8045 RCVR-XMTR 3kw 622-3403-001
HF-8050 Trans System 10kw 622-3404-001
HF-8055 RCVR-XTMR 10 kw 622-3405-001
HF-80 Test sets
TS-8010 Extender Card Kit 622-3431-001
TS-8020 PA Control
TS-8021 PA Control
TS-8022 PA Card Extender 622-3430-001
TS-8023 Test Set, PA Cards 622-3458-001
TS-8023A PA Card Test Set 622-8781-001
TS-8024 Test Set, 1 KW Driver 622-3465-001
TS-8040 Test Set, Cont. Monitor 622-3427-001
TS-8041 Test Set Coupler 622-3466-001
TS-8060 Test Set Pre selector 622-3459-001
HF-80 Options AC-80XX
AC-8010 Key, CW 622-3415-001
AC-8011 Foot Switch, Mic 622-3432-001
AC-8012 Oven Standard Kit 622-3460-001
AC-8013 External Standard Kit 622-3461-001
AC-8014 Local Frequency Display 622-3470-001
AC-8021 Remote Watt Meter 3KW 622-3483-001
AC-8022 Remote Watt Meter 10KW 622-3484-001
AC-8050 Headphones, Standard 622-3412-001
AC-8051 Headphones, lightweight 622-3413-001
AC-8075 TR Switch 3kw 622-3428-001
AC-8076 TR Switch 1kw 622-3429-001
MM-80 Handheld Microphone 128-0042-010
MM-81 Handheld Microphone 128-0042-020
SM-80 Desk Microphone 128-0042-060
SM-81 Universal Microphone 128-0042-080
SM-81 Desk Stand 128-0042-110